Saturday, December 17, 2011

Concept 40 #3

In the film I want to write my character would the complete the following sentences with:
1) The Fates have cursed me with: fear of the unknown
2) The Fates have blessed me with: great health and physical strength
3) No one would believe me if I said I was: scared of heights
4) The thing I most regret about my past is: not using my strength and abilities my whole life

Concept 39 #1-3

1) I am most afraid of drowning and situation where you don’t know what is going to happen.  I would somehow be trapped underwater and have to go through a dark tunnel or an unexpected path in order for me to face my fear.
2) I was invited to an important dinner, and was asked to say a mini speech in front of everyone and I was nervous about it, but once you start talking and see that people are really listening to what you’re saying you overcome your nervousness.
3) The hero of my film is afraid of doing anything out of their comfort zone. When he has to navigate through a forest and work together with his wife to survive, he has to overcome his fear of trying new foods and living in a different habitat.

Concept 37 #1 and #2

Three films with ending that blew me away:
1)      Troy: the main character ended up dying even though he was supposedly invincible
2)      Clue: the victim ended up being the murderer
3)      Titanic: the main character ended up dying
All three movies used the element of surprise to have a shocking ending. They led the audience to think that the ending couldn’t possibly happen.
2) In order to make the audience say “Wow!” you have to employ such things as surprises, and make the audience think that they know exactly what is going to happen by leaving clues and foreshadowing, and then have the ending be unexpected and the opposite of what everyone thought.

Concept 36 #3

In the film I am writing, the conflict is that the main characters go on a vacation and they end up getting shipwrecked and stranded.
1) They work together and find their way off the island
2) Find more people on the island and learn to live like them.
3) Real outcome: Find an alternate reality and universe through an alien object and get sucked into that dimension.

Concept 35 #1-3

From least risk to most risk:
1)      It’s a Wonderful Life
2)      Norma Rae
3)      Joan of Arc
4)      The Client
5)      Silkwood
6)      Braveheart
7)      Dave
8)      Spy Games
9)      Harry Potter
10)   Robin Hood, the prince of thieves
2) I ranked Robin Hood number 10, because his conflict was related to real life and the poverty problems and the inequality in the social system. I would deal with it by doing the same thing as Robin Hood, but not being as violent and doing things that would result in being put in jail.
3) The last time I took a risk was in order to help out a friend. The consequences would have resulted in them not getting the job that they wanted. They did end up getting the job, and it was worth the time helping them go through the application process.

Non-Linear Scripts:

Almaz’s script: The premise is that there is a girl who has to try to fight to keep her memory before the government erases it. The main character is Jenny, and she battles against someone named X division. X division works with the group that erases memories, so Jenny tries to stop them. It’s non-linear because she keeps going backwards in her life unless she writes everything down.
Natalie’s Script: The premise is that there is an elderly couple that remembers their life back when they were younger. It is non -linear because when they remember the events in their life the story jumps around, and you can tell because they are different ages.

Concept 34 #2

If I could possess any superpower it would be flying, because you have the ability to go anywhere and not have to worry about the restraint of having to drive or fly. You also wouldn’t have to worry about paying for gas or any kind of transportation fee. The superpower would also have an advantage over any villain.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quickwrite: Multiple perspectives

Most reality shows take one event and replay it to show the idifferent characters and their reactions to the event. They focus on the long term effects of an event, and the immediate effects that take place. The perspectives that they use are different because they focus on the emotions that occur from the characters, and the way that the scenes are filmed.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Structure:

I really enjoyed watching this movie, and I think the non-linear structure made the story even better. Even though it could have been told in chronological order, I think the fact that they kind of cut the story into chunks made it more interesting. I liked that you didn’t know why Clementine didn’t remember him,. And that when Joel was getting his memory erased Clementine was with him in his memories and she explained to him what was going on, which helped us understand what was going on. I think out of all the non-linear movies we have watched this format was the most difficult to follow, but the techniques that they used like having her hair a different color, and their change of clothes made it easier to follow.

Concept 33 #1:

1) I haven’t experienced a situation where someone did something so nice for me that it directly inspired me to do something nice for someone else. But people do good deeds everyday and it inspires me to be kind to people, knowing that when someone is kind to me it makes my day better, and hopefully I can make someone’s day better or help them out in some way.

Concept 32 Questions:

1) I can’t think of a movie where the audience’s relation to the plot was predominantly objective, but I assume that they used emotions and images to evoke empathy.

2) The movie How to Train a Dragon was made to show people the importance of animals and how they are important in nature. Specifically wild animals should be protected and not messed with.

3) For a 30 second commercial about the importance of insuring one’s possessions against damage or theft I would capture the audience by showing them examples of times when if people would have just got insurance things like their cars and identities would still be theirs. I could show someone acting like they are someone else by identity theft, and someone getting their car stolen right in front of them and they can’t do anything about it because they don’t have insurance.

Concept 31 Questions:

1) 3 most recent movies I’ve seen:
Footloose: her brother dies from a car accident after he was drinking, and the city puts up a law restricting the kids’ right to dance and have fun
In Time: he finds out that their lives are numbered and the times is not given out equally
Breaking Dawn: Bella gets pregnant
-Each inciting incident occurred pretty early in the movie, probably with the first 30 minutes the most.

2) 1) the fight would cause me to look at life in a new way; 2) The student in the wheelchair would appreciate that someone stood up for him and raise awareness against that stuff happening; 3) My peers would look up to me for what I did and decide to stand up for themselves; 4) The bad bunch would realize that they shouldn’t be picking on people, and just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn’t make them any less of a person or deserved to be picked on.

3) The inciting incident in the film I want to write is it will show the audience the background of the characters life and how it relates to why she acts the way she does.

Concept 30 Questions:

1) Kelly: a) to be popular and fit in with the in crowd
b) to hang out with her geeky cousin all summer
Mom: a) make sure her niece and her daughter hang out
b) not be too controlling in her daughter’s life
Cousin: a) spend her summer and have fun with her cousin and her friends
b) to become cool and bond with her cousin
The A objectives of Kelly and her cousin are not compatible, but the A objectives of Kelly’s mom and her cousin are compatible

2) Win/win: Kelly turns out thinking her cousin is actually not geeky and she’s cool, so she introduces her to her popular friends and they all have a good summer.
Win/no win: Kelly doesn’t hang out with the popular kids and her cousin gets on her nerves.
Win/lose: Kelly realizes that she doesn’t really like the popular kids, and she wants to bond with her cousin and hang out instead.

3) In the film I want to write the primary A objective is for the main character to not fall into peer pressure, and the primary B objective is for her to find something else to focus on besides her social life.

Concept 29 #2:

Parents at their friend’s party leaving. They call their daughter KIM saying that they are on their way home.

Kim hangs up the phone and furiously starts cleaning and picking up trash and cups around the house.

Parents get in their car, realize they are empty on gas, and head to the gas station.

Kim is looking frantically for trash bags and the broom, when she gets a call from her mom saying they stopped for gas and they will be 10 minutes later than usual.

Parents get back in their car and are set to arrive in 15 minutes.

Kim has cleaned up the downstairs area, but remembered that the upstairs was filled with party evidence too.

Parents pull into the driveway and park.

Kim throws the last bag of garbage on the side of the house, runs into the house, sits down on the couch.

Parents open the front door, and find Kim sitting on the couch watching television.

Concept 28 #3:

3) My last birthday was on a Sunday, but I had my birthday party with my friends that Friday afterschool at my sister’s house.

Concept 27 Questions:

1) Thatcher should ask the question while they are at lunch at their favorite café. I think it makes sense since they are classmates and friends, so it seems like a place where they would go. Thatcher would already be at the café waiting for Linda. Linda would walk in the café, and Thatcher would call he over and ask her to sit with him and talk. In order for Linda to say yes, Thatcher would be really personable and ask her how she likes the math class, and how her school year is going. But since Linda is really smart, she’s used to people wanting to cop off of her homework, so at first she would say no, But the Thatcher would tell her the real reason why he wants her help, so he wont get kicked off the team, and she agrees to help him study but not just give him the answers.
2) At this very moment I am sitting in a classroom filled with people that are working and talking. There would be one person that suddenly disappears, and everyone has to find out where they went. Everyone would split up into groups and search the school to find them, only to realize that the person never disappeared they just were never there. The moral would be that sometimes people get so caught up in themselves and their own gossip that they don’t notice their surroundings and their fellow classmates.
3) My film would be set in a carnival or sometime of theme park, because the students went on a field trip. I’m not quite sure what he conflict would be, but I know that this would be the final episode and all the characters would have to unite. Since our opening pilot scene started with almost all the characters divided, it makes sense to have them come together in the end.

Groundhog Day Reflection:

In this movie they used a non-linear structure in order to show what the main character was going through. The fact that he had to deal with reliving Groundhog Day everyday, meant that they almost had to use the non-linear structure to compare each day to one another. They also used it to show what he did in the past, like when they showed him trying to kill himself many times to prove that he was invincible. The structure was kind of similar to Run Lola Run, because she basically relived the same day 3 times. It was different from Citizen Kane, because there were no objective people giving their opinion on his life like they did for Kane. In Groundhog Day he was basically alone in his journey because he was the only one that was reliving the same day over and over.

Period 6 Pilot #2 Review:

I like this Pilot, because of the interesting ending of it. The formatting is good overall. I also like the way the story flowed, and how the characters weren’t typical characters. I think the future episodes will be fun to read.

Period 6 Pilot #1 Review:

This story was a little but complicated to follow, because of all the characters seeming to have a leading role. It was interesting though, I think the future episodes should focus on the relationships of only a couple of characters. The format needed a little but of work, but overall I like where the story is going.

Pilot Script #4 Review:

The message of the script was interesting, and how it spotlighted teen pregnancy. I thought the characters were kind of similar, in that there wasn’t anything to specifically set them apart except that they were either a boy or a girl. I liked the plot, and I think it could be turned into a good show.

Pilot Script #3 Review:

I liked the storyline overall, but what I didn’t like was the dialogue. It seemed kind of unrealistic and it didn’t fit with the story sometimes. But the plot and the characters were interesting, and the way the story flowed was good.

Pilot Review, Savina’s group:

I thought the story was interesting, and was relatable. I liked that the dialogue was realistic, and that the story wasn’t just about a teenager with a perfect life and that the characters had problems in their life that they had to overcome.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Concept 25

3) Will she ever make the team? Will he get the leading role in the drama play? Who will ask her to the winter formal? Who will get suspended for the flyers all over school?

Psycho Reflection

From the screenplay of Psycho I learned that the characters didn't really have much dialogue in the important scenes, which made the viewer pay attention to their actions. So in our screenplays we don't have to always have such robotic dialogue. And also that the money drove the plot of the movie, so in our screenplays we could use that technique to help guide our story.

The story structure is unique because even though the protagonist died the story still got interesting and the other characters took the spotlight. The characters are unique because Marianne and the hotel clerk look similar to Marianne's boyfriend and her sister.

The writer uses humor in the story, but it's subtle humor that you don't notice until you watch it again.

Top 10 horror movies

1) Scream 1, 2, 3, and 4

2) Halloween
3) The Crazies
4) My Bloody Valentine
5) Haunting in Connecticut
6) Nightmare on Elm Street
7) The Ring

8) The Sixth Sense

9) Grudge

10) Room 1408

A great horror story is composed of a convincing storyline that captivates the audience and is actually scary, and the acting is believable. The writers and directors use techniques to create suspense to scare the audience. They also use music and different camera angles to highlight and focus on the certain images or parts of a scene to scare the audience.

Concept 24

3) I have been surprised by the outcomes of many shows and stories that I thought had a foregone conclusion. In a lot of movies one of the characters that you think is good turns out to be evil. I could use this idea to help me develop a high concept script by having the protagonist live in a foreign place and think that the person they meet is one their side, but the whole time has been plotting against them.

Concept 23

3) I want to write a story that makes the audience laugh but also ends with the problems all being resolved. I don’t like when movies or stories don’t have the problems or conflicts resolved. There doesn’t always have to be a perfect fairytale ending, but the conflicts should be resolved in some way. The “quest” will be successful in that the characters will all end up in a certain place and their journey will be clearly defined.

Desperate Housewives Pilot

1. Who are three of the main characters? How are they introduced in a unique way?
2. What is the conflict?
3. What is the writing like? Does each character talk differently? How does the write use dialogue to advance the story?

1) Three of the characters are Lynette, Bree, and Gabriella. They were introduced by the narrator that seems to be dead.
2) Mary Alice shot herself for an unknown reason, and is now dead.
3) Each character does talk differently, the writer uses dialogue to propel the story and keep the reader wanting to read more to see what happens next.

Concept 22

Is the film you want to write character-driven or plot-driven?

3) The film I want to write is character-driven, because the storyline is based on the character developing into a new person and taking on a new persona. The characters all compliment and they effect the actions of one another. Mandy realizes that her friends in the beginning of the story really weren’t her friends and that they encouraged her to make the irresponsible decisions that she made.

Pilot Reflection

What makes our character unique is that she did something that wasn’t expected of her, and she kind of becomes this person that she was always told never to be. She breaks the rules and steps out of this form that her family and the school has molded her into. She becomes more outspoken and learns not to over think situations, in a place where people are afraid to show who they really are.

My So Called Life

What are some ideas from the show you can use for your own show?
Which ideas don't appeal to you?

The whole idea of the girl going outside of her comfort zone and actually talking to the guy she likes, is an idea that my group could use for the show. We could have the character doing something that they wouldn’t normally do or something that isn’t expected of them. I don’t like how the whole high school nerd girl liking the popular guy is used. But they did change it up by making the main guy be in a band and be different than the sports jock stereotype.

Concept 20

1) In the film I plan to write, I want to relate to the young people and teenagers. I think it’s important to have stories about problems that people my age can relate to, because I know that whenever I’m having a problem it’s nice to know that other teenagers or just people in general are going through the same thing. And that if you just don’t stress out and plan things out then things go smoother.

Concept 19

2) In the concept, Joe wants to take Bonnie to the dance as his date. If I had to choose a character from the story it would be Bonnie, and it would be her at home thinking of different scenarios in her head of what could go wrong about the dance up until Joe knocks on her door to ask her to the dance.

Concept 18

1) This picture gives off a feeling of friendship and loyalty. The boys seem like they all came together to play baseball, but they are also making a pact of some sort. It inspires me to write a story about a group of kids growing up that never had someone to rely on, but then they always had the baseball field to go to. It reminds me of the movie Sandlot, but instead of having it in the 50’s it would be modern day, and the kids would be boys and girls from all different backgrounds.

Concept 15

Three stories that are based upon “United we stand, divided we fall.”

1) A sports team that would always argue and fight about who should be captain and what plays they should use, and then in the end they realize that they would win more games when they worked together.
2) Group of employees at a carnival that would never get any customers or profit, but they decided to collaborate and put aside their differences to fix up the carnival and get business back.
3) A community is suffering from a drought, but they don’t realize that if they all coordinate and get along they can get through the drought and save water. In the end they all work together to save water and their community is stronger than ever.

Concept 14 Story Beats

1) Setup: When Charles Foster Kane utters the words Rosebud in the final scene
2) Catalyst: Thatcher takes Kane to come live with him in
3) First major fly: Kane chooses to do Journalism as his career in life
4) Point of no return: Thatcher is disappointed in Kane’s success with the newspaper, so now he is on his own
5) Second major fly: Kane marries the singer, and spotlights her career
6) Kane loses his second wife Susan, and becomes unpopular with the newspapers and the media
7) Resolution: On his final days Kane sits alone reminiscing on his childhood days with his family, and the reporter realizes that Rosebud was the most important thing in his life

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Citizen Kane Non-Linear Movies

I think the non-linear structure of Citizen Kane makes the movie more interesting, and it allows the audience and viewers to see the different perspectives and opinions of Kane from the people that surrounded him. The fact that the movie went back and forth through time and his life, made it kind of confusing and hard to follow at times, but all together the movie was easy to follow and understand.

I don't agree with the statement that Citizen Kane is the greatest movie of all time, because of the advancements in technology and knowledge that has been put into movies now. Citizen Kane was a really good movie for it's time, but I think many other movies are just as good or even better.

Charles Foster Kane

Everything I know about Charles Foster Kane so far.....

-he was married twice
-controlled big media and newspapers
-popular public figure
-caught in scandal that jeopardized his career and credibility

Freaks and Geeks Reflection

My favorite episode that we have watched so far is the episode called, "Kim Kelly is my Friend." I liked it because it showed a different side to all the characters that we haven't seen in the previous episodes. We didn't see a different side to Sam and his friends though, because the focus of the episode was more on Lindsay and her friends. Nick and Kim Kelly were kind of the focus of the episode, and they both did good performances. I also liked how Sam and Kim sort of made peace, because Lindsay and Kim bonded over Kim's family and boyfriend problems.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Freaks and Geeks Dialogue Test

Yeah umm about the cereal...sorry Lindsay I was hungry and...

Answer: Sam!

"Kim Kelly is my Friend" character analysis

Sam: meek, polite
Daniel: joke about sex and music, mysterious
Nick: jokes about sex and music
Neal: high level vocabulary, mature sounding
Kim: rude, aggressive
Karen: rude, aggressive
Bill: funny, random jokes and insight, nerdy
Millie: wholesome, socially awkward

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Short Script Revision

Emma chuckles to herself, and Chelsea just shrugs and walks over to the office. She knocks on the door and Mrs. Parks doesn't respond so she just pushes the door open.

Emma chuckles to herself, and Chelsea just shrugs and walks over to the office. She knocks on the door but Mrs. Parks doesn't seem to be in her office, so she cautiously opens the door and proceeds to scan the room.

Freaks and Geeks questions

What do you know about Lindsay now?
She is still trying to find herself, but she is starting to realize that she doesn’t necessarily need to hang out with Daniel’s group of friends. She still is protective of her brother, and even though she didn’t hand out candy with her mom, she still wants to be close with her family.

What are the major plots of the Halloween episode?
Lindsay wanted to hang out with Daniel’s group and she ditched her friend Mally to go pumpkin smashing with them. And that Sam and his friends are still getting picked on because they haven’t completely stood up to Alan and his bully friends.

How do they all come together in the end?
Lindsay ended up wearing the costume that her mom got her, and she kept tradition and passed out candy with her mom. And when she came back home and realized that Sam was the one she egged, and that she isn’t really like Daniel and his friends.

Concept 10 #'s 1-3

1) What subjects do you feel you know really well?
History, rules of track and field, laws of driving, how to play trombone, facts about various animals, how to cook healthy food. I could use these skills to make a short film that involves an event in the past, a film involving animals in some way, or a short film that has to do with food in some way.

2) If I was writing about a subject I was totally unfamiliar with at home my resources would be: internet, books, newspaper or magazine articles. If I was at the library or on the Internet: google or a similar search engine, books( encyclopedia, how-to books, etc.) Within my community resources would be: people who have experience in the specific film topic, internet, library.

3) I know absolutely nothing about what it takes to build a building (the materials needed and how to start building it). If I had to write a short film that showed new students why they should take a class on this subject then I would try to find someone who builds buildings and monuments for a living and ask them to help me understand the basics of it and if they could talk to the students about their job. I would also interview the students and teachers to get their input. I would state how important it is to know all the work that goes into building the buildings that everyone uses everyday.

Concept 9 #1

1) Domestic top 3 films: 1) Avatar 2) Titanic 3) The Dark Knight
I would weave together the setting of Avatar, the main characters from Titanic (Jack and Rose) and the conflict from Dark Knight. Jack and Rose would be stuck in the world of Avatar (the jungle like place) and they would have to try to hide their identities from the rest of the Avatar blue people. They would still be human but they would dress up like the tall blue native people, and try to save the village from the evil people that would try to take control of the jungle and kill them. During the day they would be the blue people, but at night they would be their human self and fight back against the efforts of the evil (Joker) and protect their world. This film would appeal to the majority of people since it is a mix of all of the 3 highest grossing movies combined.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Person 1:  started as a journalist and from film school, wrote for star trek, and interviewed influential people who were talented in the business; learned from the best.

Person2 : for work experience he wrote a sample from a show that he liked, x-files, and gained credibility from his good work.

Person 3: network detective for NBC and got a degree in script writing, wrote a script in under 2 months for x-files and came up with a well written script that ended up getting him 3 jobs.

Concept 12 #1 Screenplay terms and examples

"10 Things I Hate About you"







Sunday, September 11, 2011

Concept 8 (#'s 1 and 3)

1) If there were no other characters I would focus just on Bloom and Witherspoon, and them having a dialogue together at the school near the football field. Bloom and Witherspoon would both have kids that play on the football team, and they would be reunited when they meet each other again at the game, after 20 years.

3) Character: rock star
    Setting: phone booth
    Prop: painting

The rock star would be stranded in a strange city and all he has with him is a famous painting that his band member stole and gave to him before he left. In order to keep his reputation in tact, he would realize that he needed to return the painting and have nothing to do with it. The rock star would find a phone booth and call and report the stolen painting. When the police arrive, the painting along with enough money to cover the cost, would be lying next to the phone.

Continuation of Freaks and Geeks Scene

...Just then, MILLIE, the school brain, approaches, on a mission.

                                       Where's your sister?

                                       I don't know.

                                      Well let her know that she needs to respond to my question ASAP,
                                      the future of mathletes depends on it.

                                      Oh the mathletes? She told me she wasn't going to
                                      join this year.

                                      Oh well alright, I guess I'll see you guys around......Oh yeah do you
                                      know if she's going to the homecoming dance?

                                      Probably not, you know how she feels about dances
                                      and those kind of things.
                                       Oh yeah right, of course.

Millie sadly walks away back towards the cafeteria scanning the room for somewhere to sit.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Favorite High School Television Shows

3 of my favorite shows:

1) That 70's Show

2) Buffy the Vampire Slayer

3) The Big Bang Theory

I like these shows because they are all funny and entertaining.  I can relate to the characters in That 70's Show and Buffy because they are similar to my age, but in The Big Bang Theory I can't relate to their lives as much so that's probably why it is so interesting to me. I also like all these shows because the characters are all complex and have their own personalities so the shows aren't boring and don't seem repetitive.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Concept 7

1) American Idol (dialogue)
2) The Bachelor: (character wardrobe change, dialogue, setting change)
3) 16 and Pregnant: (character wardrobe/appearance change, dialougue, setting change, title cards)
4) Now and Then: (character wardrobe/appearance change, character "aging", dialogue, setting change, title cards)

Screenplay Self Evaluation

1) My best scene was when the main character, Chelsea, decides to go against the rules and go to the fashion showing that her new boss was supposed to attend.

2) My worst scene was when she finally arrived at the fashion show, because I should have elongated the scene or gave more detail about why she was so excited to go to the show and that it was out of character for her to do something like that.

3) I could give more detail about the setting of the scenes, and more detailed dialogue or description of why Chelsea does what she does and a better background of her life.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Concept 6 (short movie response)

Concept 6

Title of short movie: Burn-E

1) robot, 3 characters
2) 3 locations (space, earth, spaceship)
3) Burn-E had trouble turning on the power for the spaceship, Wall-E helps him fix the power
4) 7 mins. and 37 secs.

I liked the part when Burn-E and Wall-E were working together using their specific talents to keep the spaceship running and working
I dislike how the ending was very quick and unexplanatory.

Yes, this could easily be turned into a movie because it could be adapted into a movie just like how Wall-E was a full length movie.

My favorite feature length movie is Clue. When they all discover their secrets about their lives they have to try to stay alive in a mansion and discover who the murderer is.